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Everyone with a camera usually take some photos of the snow and snow causes all sorts of problems for those wanting to get a good shot as the white snow confuses the light reading meter in the camera and often the photo ends up very dark. If anyone has a really good shot and wants to show it off you can send it to the site here and we will try to publish on site with your name.

These two lads were fading out and melting away when the big freeze halted their exit and the fresh snow gave them new life.

This boy shouted abuse at the photographer as he went past.
Anyone know who he is?!!


This humorous photo entitled


arrived with us from Dorothy Dale and we have no further information on the picture. However some may be able to work out where it was taken and the cap on the centre figure might give a clue! Hope it is not trying to say that these represent the boys who work there?!!
Thanks Dorothy

The saying goes - ‘a red sky at night is the shepherd’s delight, a red sky in the morning is a shepherd’s warning’ - and this icy looking evening view over North Monaghan’s drumlins as the sun sets in the west forecasts a good morning. Our mornings may have looked good with strong sunshine and calm winds but it certainly was cold. This lovely photo came from Marie Rice. Thanks Marie.